Gustavo Rossi

Nombre: Gustavo
Apellido: Rossi
Ingreso: 1/1/2015
Título máximo: Doctor en Ciencias Informáticas
Categoría en el programa de incentivos: 1


Ripa, Gonzalo, Torre, Manuel, Urbieta, Matias, Rossi, Gustavo, Fernandez, Alejandro, Tacuri, Alex and Firmenich, Sergio, "Generating voice user interfaces from web sites", Behaviour & Information Technology, pp. 1-24, 2023. .  

Andres Rodriguez, Juan Cruz Gardey, Julian Grigera, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandra Garrido, "UX debt in an agile development process: evidence and characterization", Software Quality Journal, pp. 1467–1498, 2023. 10.1007/s11219-023-09652-2 .  

Julián Grigera, Jordán Pascual Espada and Gustavo Rossi, "AI in User Interface Design and Evaluation", IT Professional, vol. 25, pp. 20--22, 2023. 10.1109/mitp.2023.3267139 .  

Ibarra Torres, Oscar Fernando, Urbieta, Mario Matías, Rossi, Gustavo and Lliteras, Alejandra Beatriz, "Knowledge Transfer in Software Development Teams—Systematic Mapping", IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 18, pp. 152–161, 2023.  

Oscar Pastor, Alfonso Pierantonio and Gustavo Rossi, "Teaching Modeling in the Time of Agile Development", Computer, vol. 55, pp. 73--76, 2022. 10.1109/mc.2022.3144929 .  

Juan Cruz Gardey, Julián Grigera, Andrés Rodríguez, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandra Garrido, "Predicting interaction effort in web interface widgets", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 168, pp. 102919, 2022. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102919 .  

Gabriela Bosetti, Alex Tacuri, Ishaya Gambo, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Marco Winckler and Alejandro Fernandez, "ANDES: an approach to embed search services on the Web browser", Computer Standards & Interfaces, pp. 103633, 2022. 10.1016/j.csi.2022.103633 .  

Diego Firmenich, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Manuel Wimmer, Irene Garrigós and César González-Mora, "Engineering Web Augmentation software: A development method for enabling end-user maintenance", Information and Software Technology, vol. 141, pp. 106735, 2022. 10.1016/j.infsof.2021.106735 .  

Sergio Firmenich, Alejandro Fernandez, Rodolfo Gonzalez and Gustavo Rossi, "Collaborative web extensions: a P2P approach", Interaction Design and Architectures, vol. 49, pp. 97--110, 2021.  

Martin Wischenbart, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Gabriela Bosetti and Elisabeth Kapsammer, "Engaging end-user driven recommender systems: personalization through web augmentation", , vol. 80, pp. 6785--6809, 2021. 10.1007/s11042-020-09803-8 .  

Matias Urbieta, Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi and Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, "The impact of using a domain language for an agile requirements management", Information and Software Technology, vol. 127, pp. 106375, 2020. .  

Viviana Cajas, Matias Urbieta, Gustavo Rossi and Francisco Dominguez Mayo, "Challenges of Migrating Legacies Web to Mobile: A Systematic Literature Review", IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 18, pp. 861--873, 2020. 10.1109/tla.2020.9082914 .  

Viviana Cajas, Matias Urbieta, Gustavo Rossi and Yves Rybarczyk, "Migrating legacy Web applications", Cluster Computing. The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, 2020. 10.1007/s10586-020-03147-6 .  

Juan Cruz Gardey, Alejandra Garrido, Sergio Firmenich, Julián Grigera and Gustavo Rossi, "UX-Painter: An Approach to Explore Interaction Fixes in the Browser", Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 4, pp. 1--21, 2020. 10.1145/3397877 .  

Matias Urbieta, Sergio Firmenich, Gabriela Bosetti, Pedro Maglione, Gustavo Rossi and Miguel Angel Olivero, "MDWA: a model-driven Web augmentation approach\textemdashcoping with client- and server-side support", Software and Systems Modeling, 2020. 10.1007/s10270-020-00779-5 .  

Sergio Firmenich, Alejandra Garrido, Julián Grigera, José Matías Rivero and Gustavo Rossi, "Usability Improvement Through A/B Testing and Refactoring", Software Quality Journal, vol. 27, pp. 203--240, 2019. 10.1007/s11219-018-9413-y .  

José Matías Rivero, Julián Grigera, Damiano Distante, Francisco Montero Simarro and Gustavo Rossi, "DataMock: An Agile Approach for Building Data Models from User Interface Mockups", Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 18, pp. 663--690, 2019. 10.1007/s10270-017-0586-9 .  

Diego Firmenich, Sergio Firmenich, José Matias Rivero, Leandro Antonelli and Gustavo Rossi, "CrowdMock: an approach for defining and evolving web augmentation requirements", Requir. Eng., vol. 23, pp. 33--61, 2018. 10.1007/s00766-016-0257-3 . 

Gustavo Rossi, "Introducing the Student Forum Column", IT Professional, vol. 20, pp. 80--82, 2018. 10.1109/MITP.2018.011301828 . 

Esteban Robles Luna, Juan M. Sánchez-Begines, José Matias Rivero, Leticia Morales-Trujillo, José Gonzalez Enriquez and Gustavo Rossi, "Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry", J. Web Eng., vol. 17, pp. 183--205, 2018. 

Matias Urbieta, Darian Frajberg and Gustavo Rossi, "Assessing the impact of Volatile Functionality removal in web applications: Model-Driven vs Code-Based approaches", Softw., Pract. Exper., vol. 48, pp. 11--43, 2018. 10.1002/spe.2503 . 

Julián Alberto Garcia-Garcia, Matias Urbieta, Maria J. Escalona, Gustavo Rossi and José Gonzalez Enriquez, "Identifying Functional Requirements Inconsistencies in Multi-Terms Projects Framed into a Model-Based Methodolog", J. Web Eng., vol. 16, pp. 228--252, 2017. 

Esteban Robles Luna, Gustavo Rossi, José Matias Rivero, Francisco José Dominguez Mayo, Julián Alberto Garcia-Garcia and Maria J. Escalona, "Towards Fast Metamodel Evolution in LIQUIDML", J. Web Eng., vol. 16, pp. 183--211, 2017. 

Sergio Firmenich, Gabriela Bosetti, Gustavo Rossi, Marco Winckler and José Maria Corletto, "Distributed Web browsing: supporting frequent uses and opportunistic requirements", Universal Access in the Information Society, 2017. 10.1007/s10209-017-0608-y . 

M. Urbieta, D. Frajberg and G. Rossi, "Assessing the impact of Volatile Functionality removal in web applications: Model-Driven vs Code-Based approaches", Software: Practice and Experience, vol. 48, pp. 11--43, 2017. 10.1002/spe.2503 . 

José Matías Rivero, Julián Grigera, Damiano Distante, Francisco Montero and Gustavo Rossi, "DataMock: An Agile Approach for Building Data Models from User Interface Mockups", Software & Systems Modeling, vol. 18, pp. 663--690, 2017. 10.1007/s10270-017-0586-9 . 

Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, José Matias Rivero and Gustavo Rossi, "Automatic detection of usability smells in web applications", Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud., vol. 97, pp. 129--148, 2017. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.09.009 .  

Gabriela Bosetti, Sergio Firmenich, Silvia E. Gordillo, Gustavo Rossi and Marco Winckler, "An End User Development Approach for Mobile Web Augmentation", Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2017, pp. 2525367:1--2525367:28, 2017. 10.1155/2017/2525367 . 

Gabriela Alejandra Bosetti, Sergio Firmenich, Silvia E. Gordillo and Gustavo Rossi, "An approach for building Mobile Web Applications through Web Augmentation", J. Web Eng., vol. 16, pp. 75--102, 2017. 

José Matias Rivero, Julián Grigera, Damiano Distante, Francisco Montero and Gustavo Rossi, "DataMock: An Agile Approach for Building Data Models from User Interface Mockups", Software \& Systems Modeling, vol. 18, pp. 663--690, 2017. 10.1007/s10270-017-0586-9 . 

Julián Alberto García-García, Matias Urbieta, María J. Escalona, Gustavo Rossi, José Gonzalez Enríquez: Identifying Functional Requirements Inconsistencies in Multi-Terms Projects Framed into a Model-Based Methodolog. J. Web Eng. 16(3&4): 228-252 (2017)

Gustavo Rossi, Matias Urbieta, Damiano Distante, José Matias Rivero and Sergio Firmenich, "25 Years of Model-Driven Web Engineering: What we achieved, What is missing", CLEI Electron. J., vol. 19, pp. 1, 2016. 10.19153/cleiej.19.3.1 . 

Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, José Ignacio Panach, Damiano Distante and Gustavo Rossi, "Assessing refactorings for usability in e-commerce applications", Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 21, pp. 1224--1271, 2016. 10.1007/s10664-015-9384-6 . 

Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandro Oliveros, "A Collaborative Approach to Describe the Domain Language through the Language Extended Lexicon", Journal of Object Technology, vol. 15, pp. 3:1--27, 2016. 10.5381/jot.2016.15.3.a3 . 

Diego Firmenich, Sergio Firmenich, Jose Matías Rivero, Gustavo Rossi, Leandro Antonelli: CrowdMock: An Approach for Defining and Evolving Web Augmentation Requirements, Requirements Engineering, Springer London, PP 1-29 (2016).

Sven Casteleyn, Gustavo Rossi and Marco Winckler, "Editorial", J. Web Eng., vol. 14, pp. 361--362, 2015. 

Andrés Rodriguez, Pascual González and Gustavo Rossi, "Marco de Trabajo para el Bocetado de Interacciones Enactivas", Revista Colombiana de Computación, vol. 16, pp. 48--74, 2015. 10.29375/25392115.2493 . 

Francisco José Dominguez Mayo, Julián Alberto Garcia-Garcia, Maria José Escalona, Manuel Mejias, Matias Urbieta and Gustavo Rossi, "A framework and tool to manage Cloud Computing service quality", Software Quality Journal, vol. 23, pp. 595--625, 2015. 10.1007/s11219-014-9248-0 . 

Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite and Jo\~ao Araújo, "Early identification of crosscutting concerns with the Language Extended Lexicon", Requir. Eng., vol. 20, pp. 139--161, 2015. 10.1007/s00766-013-0193-4 . 

Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido, Jose Ignacio Panach, Damiano Distante and Gustavo Rossi, "Assessing refactorings for usability in e-commerce applications", Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 21, pp. 1224--1271, 2015. 10.1007/s10664-015-9384-6 . 

Leo Ferres, Eelco Herder, Virgilio de Almeida, Denis Parra and Gustavo Rossi, "The 25th ACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media", SIGWEB Newsletter, vol. 2014, pp. 1:1--1:3, 2014. 10.1145/251453.2591454 . 

Andres Fortier, Cecilia Challiol, Juan Lautaro Fernández, Santiago Robles, Gustavo Rossi and Silvia E. Gordillo, "Exploiting personal web servers for mobile context-aware applications", Knowledge Eng. Review, vol. 29, pp. 134--153, 2014. 10.1017/S0269888914000022 . 

José Matias Rivero, Julián Grigera, Gustavo Rossi, Esteban Robles Luna, Francisco Montero Simarro and Martin Gaedke, "Mockup-Driven Development: Providing agile support for Model-Driven Web Engineering", Information & Software Technology, vol. 56, pp. 670--687, 2014. 10.1016/j.infsof.2014.01.011 . 

Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Marco Winckler and Philippe A. Palanque, "An approach for supporting distributed user interface orchestration over the Web", Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud., vol. 72, pp. 53--76, 2014. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2013.08.014 . 

Damiano Distante, Alejandra Garrido, Julia Camelier-Carvajal, Roxana Giandini and Gustavo Rossi, "Business processes refactoring to improve usability in E-commerce applications", Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 14, pp. 497--529, 2014. 10.1007/s10660-014-9149-0 . 

Alejandra Garrido, Gustavo Rossi, Nuria Medina-Medina, Julián Grigera and Sergio Firmenich, "Improving accessibility of Web interfaces: refactoring to the rescue", Universal Access in the Information Society, vol. 13, pp. 387--399, 2014. 10.1007/s10209-013-0323-2 . 

Santiago Ceria and Gustavo Rossi, "IT Education in Argentina", IT Professional, vol. 16, pp. 6--9, 2014. 10.1109/MITP.2014.31 . 

Matias Urbieta, Ana Oliveira, Jo\~ao Araújo, Armanda Rodrigues, Ana Moreira, Silvia E. Gordillo and Gustavo Rossi, "Web-GIS models: accomplishing modularity with aspects", ISSE, vol. 10, pp. 59--75, 2014. 10.1007/s11334-013-0206-y . 

Tacuri, Alex, Firmenich, Sergio, Rossi, Gustavo and Fernandez, Alejandro, "A Data Service Layer for Web Browser Extensions", in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2023.  

Ronny Santana, Andres Rodriguez, Yves Rybarczyk, Gonzalo Gabriel Mendez, Francisco Vera and Gustavo Rossi, "A Study on User Experience of Smart Glasses for Higher Education Students", in 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2022. 10.23919/cisti54924.2022.9820326 .  

Juan Gardey, Julián Grigera, Andrés Rodríguez, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandra Garrido, "An Interaction Effort Score for Web Pages", in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2022. 10.5220/0011591400003318 .  

Patterns for Anonymity Enhancing Cryptocurrencies Non-Custodian Mobile Wallets Autores: Francisco Gindre, Matias Urbieta, Gustavo Rossi PLoP '22: Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs October 2022, Article No.: 3, pp 1–29 

Grigera, J.; Gardey, J.; Garrido, A. and Rossi, G. (2021). A Scoring Map Algorithm for Automatically Detecting Structural Similarity of DOM Elements. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, ISBN 978-989-758-536-4, ISSN 2184-3252, pages 174-185.  

Juan Cruz Gardey, Julián Grigera, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandra Garrido. UX-Painter: Fostering UX Improvement in an Agile Setting. 11th Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágiles (WBMA), 2021. 

“Specification Cases: a lightweight approach based on Natural Language”, Leandro Antonelli, Julio Leite, Alejandro Oliveros, Gustavo Rossi, Workshop in Requirements Engineering (WER), Brasilia, Brasil, Agosto 23 – 27 (2021) 

Rodolfo Gonzalez, Sergio Firmenich, Alejandro Fernández, Gustavo Rossi and Dario Velez. An approach to build P2P Web Extensions. International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) 2020. June 2020. Helsinki, Finland. 

Claudia Litvak, Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Ishaya Peni Gambo, Facundo Velazquez Santillán, Diego Lo Giudice, Ximena Milla, Nora Gigante, “Resolución de conflictos en modelos de dominio en lenguaje natural: casos de estudio” 7mo Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Informática – Sistemas de Información, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza – San Justo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 14 y 15 de Noviembre de 2019.

Gabriela Bosetti, Sergio Firmenich, Marco Winckler, Gustavo Rossi, Ulises Cornejo Fandos and Elöd Egyed Zsigmond, "An End-User Pipeline for Scraping and Visualizing Semi-Structured Data over the Web", in Web Engineering - 19th International Conference, 2019, Daejeon, South Korea, June 11-14, 2019, Proceedings, 2019, pp. 223--237. 10.1007/978-3-030-19274-7\_17 .  

Rodolfo Gonzalez, Sergio Firmenich and Gustavo Rossi, "A Browser-Based Architecture for Collaborative End-User Artifacts in the Edge", in End-User Development - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium, 2019, Hatfield, UK, July 10-12, 2019,, 2019, pp. 234--238. 10.1007/978-3-030-24781-2\_22 . 

Shaofeng Liu, Guoqing Zhao, Huilan Chen, Alejandro Fernandez, Diego Torres, et al.. Knowledge mobilisation crossing boundaries: a multi-perspective framework for agri-food value chains. 6th Model-IT International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain, Jun 2019, Molfetta, Italy. ⟨hal-02191439⟩ 

Gonzalo Ripa, Manuel Torre, Sergio Firmenich and Gustavo Rossi, "End-User Development of Voice User Interfaces Based on Web Content", in End-User Development - 7th International Symposium, 2019, Hatfield, UK, July 10-12, 2019, Proceedings, 2019, pp. 34--50. 10.1007/978-3-030-24781-2\_3 .  

Julián Grigera, Juan Cruz Gardey, Andrés Rodríguez, Alejandra Garrido and Gustavo Rossi, "One Metric for All: Calculating Interaction Effort of Individual Widgets", in Extended Abstracts of the 2019 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 04-09, 2019., 2019, pp. 1-6. 10.1145/3290607.3312902 .  

Viviana Elizabeth Cajas, Matias Urbieta, Yves Rybarczyk, Gustavo Rossi and César Guevara, "An Approach for Migrating Legacy Applications to Mobile Interfaces", in New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 1, World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2019, Galicia, Spain, 16-19 April, 2019, 2019, pp. 916--927. 10.1007/978-3-030-16181-1\_86 .  

Matias Urbieta, Nahime Torres, José Matias Rivero, Gustavo Rossi and Francisco José Dominguez Mayo, "Improving Mockup-Based Requirement Specification with End-User Annotations", in Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming - 19th International Conference, XP 2018, Porto, Portugal, May 21-25, 2018, Proceedings, 2018, pp. 19--34. 10.1007/978-3-319-91602-6\_2 . 

Claudia S. Litvak, Gustavo Rossi and Leandro Antonelli, "Conflict Management in the Collaborative Description of a Domain Language (S)", in The 30th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Hotel Pullman, Redwood City, California, USA, July 1-3, 2018., 2018, pp. 524--523. 10.18293/SEKE2018-106 . 

José Matias Rivero, Matias Urbieta, Sergio Firmenich, Mauricio Witkin, Ramón Serrano, Viviana Elizabeth Cajas and Gustavo Rossi, "Improving Legacy Applications with Client-Side Augmentations", in Web Engineering - 18th International Conference, ICWE 2018, Cáceres, Spain, June 5-8, 2018, Proceedings, 2018, pp. 162--176. 10.1007/978-3-319-91662-0\_12 . 

Gabriela Bosetti, Sergio Firmenich, Alejandro Fernández, Martin Wischenbart, Gustavo Rossi and Damiano Distante, "Towards Full End-Users Control of Social Recommendations", in Web Engineering - 18th International Conference, ICWE 2018, Cáceres, Spain, June 5-8, 2018, Proceedings, 2018, pp. 304--311. 10.1007/978-3-319-91662-0\_24 . 

Julián Grigera, Juan Cruz Gardey, Alejandra Garrido and Gustavo Rossi, "Live versioning of web applications through refactoring", in Proceedings of the 33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2018, Montpellier, France, September 3-7, 2018, 2018, pp. 872--875. 10.1145/3238147.3240483 . 

laudia Litvak, Leandro Antonelli, and Gustavo Rossi, “Improving the Identification of Conflicts in Collaborative Requirements Engineering” The 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'18: December 13-15, 2018, Las Vegas, USA)

Julián Grigera, Alejandra Garrido and Gustavo Rossi, "Kobold: web usability as a service", in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2017, Urbana, IL, USA, October 30 - November 03, 2017, 2017, pp. 990--995. 10.1109/ASE.2017.8115717 .  

Matias Urbieta, Sergio Firmenich, Pedro Maglione, Gustavo Rossi and Miguel Angel Olivero, "A Model-driven Approach for Empowering Advance Web Augmentation - From Client-side to Server-side Support", in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2017, Porto, Portugal, April 25-27, 2017, 2017, pp. 444--454. 10.5220/0006394604440454 . 

Sergio Firmenich, Gabriela Bosetti, Gustavo Rossi and Marco Winckler, "End-user software engineering for the personal web: poster", in Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 20-28, 2017 - Companion Volume, 2017, pp. 216--218. 10.1109/ICSE-C.2017.127 . 

Jose Lobo, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Nahuel Defossé and Manuel Wimmer, "Web of Things Augmentation", in Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on the Web of Things, WoT 2017, Linz, Austria, October 22, 2017, 2017, pp. 11--15. 10.1145/3199919.3199923 . 

Gabriela Bosetti, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi and Marco Winckler, "Supporting Mobile Web Augmentation by End Users", in Web Engineering - 17th International Conference, ICWE 2017, Rome, Italy, June 5-8, 2017, Proceedings, 2017, pp. 539--543. 10.1007/978-3-319-60131-1\_39 . 

Gabriela Bosetti, Sergio Firmenich, Alejandro Fernández, Marco Winckler and Gustavo Rossi, "From Search Engines to Augmented Search Services: An End-User Development Approach", in Web Engineering - 17th International Conference, ICWE 2017, Rome, Italy, June 5-8, 2017, Proceedings, 2017, pp. 115--133. 10.1007/978-3-319-60131-1\_7 . 

Elisabeth Kapsammer, Eugen Kimmerstorfer, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger, Johannes Sch\"onb\"ock, Nikolaus Dürk, Gustavo Rossi and Silvia E. Gordillo, "iVOLUNTEER: a digital ecosystem for life-long volunteering", in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications \& Services, iiWAS 2017, Salzburg, Austria, December 4-6, 2017, 2017, pp. 366--372. 10.1145/3151759.3151801 . 

Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite and Alejandro Oliveros, "Limiting the Scope of the Domain Language to Describe the Application Language", in Proceedings of the XX Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017., 2017, pp. 483--496. 

Alejandra Garrido, Sergio Firmenich, Julián Grigera, Gustavo Rossi: “Data-Driven Usability Refactoring: Tools and Challenges”. 6th International Workshop on Software Mining (SoftwareMining 2017), co-located with ASE 2017. Urbana, Illinois, USA. Oct. 30, 2017. pp. 52-55. IEEE. 

Esteban Robles Luna, F. J. Dominguez-Mayo, José Matias Rivero, J. A. Garcia-Garcia, J. M. Sánchez-Begines, M. J. Escalona and G. Rossi, "Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry", in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2017. 10.5220/0006382704150421 . 

Darian Frajberg, Matias Urbieta, Gustavo Rossi and Wieland Schwinger, "Volatile Functionality in Action: Methods, Techniques and Assessment", in Web Engineering - 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016. Proceedings, 2016, pp. 59--76. 10.1007/978-3-319-38791-8\_4 . 

Sergio Firmenich, Gabriela Bosetti, Gustavo Rossi and Marco Winckler, "Flexible Distribution of Existing Web Interfaces: An Architecture Involving Developers and End-Users", in Current Trends in Web Engineering - ICWE 2016 International Workshops, DUI, TELERISE, SoWeMine, and Liquid Web, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, 2016, pp. 200--207. 10.1007/978-3-319-46963-8\_20 . 

Esteban Robles Luna, Julián Alberto Garcia-Garcia, Gustavo Rossi, José Matias Rivero, Francisco José Dominguez Mayo and Maria José Escalona, "LiquidML: A Web Modeling Language Supporting Fast Metamodel Evolution", in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2016, Volume 1, Rome, Italy, April 23-25, 2016, 2016, pp. 318--326. 10.5220/0005927603180326 . 

Sergio Firmenich, Gabriela Alejandra Bosetti, Gustavo Rossi, Marco Winckler and Tomas Barbieri, "Abstracting and Structuring Web Contents for Supporting Personal Web Experiences", in Web Engineering - 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016. Proceedings, 2016, pp. 77--95. 10.1007/978-3-319-38791-8\_5 . 

Gabriela Bosetti, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Marco Winckler and Tomas Barbieri, "Web Objects Ambient: An Integrated Platform Supporting New Kinds of Personal Web Experiences", in Web Engineering - 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016. Proceedings, 2016, pp. 563--566. 10.1007/978-3-319-38791-8\_49 . 

Andrés Rodriguez, Pascual González and Gustavo Rossi, "Enactive sketches for designing enactive interactions", in Proceedings of the Latin American Conference on Human Computer Interaction, CLIHC 2015, Córdoba, Argentina, November 18-21, 2015, 2015, pp. 15:1--15:4. 10.1145/2824893.2824908 . 

Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandro Oliveros, "A Collaborative Approach to Capture the Domain Language", in Anais do WER15 - Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos, Lima, Perú, April 22, 23 and 24, 2015., 2015. 

Martin Wischenbart, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi and Manuel Wimmer, "Recommender Systems for the People - Enhancing Personalization in Web Augmentation", in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems, IntRS 2015, co-located with ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2015), Vienna, Austria, September 19, 2015., 2015, pp. 53--60. 

Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandro Oliveros, "A Collaborative Approach to Capture the Domain Language", in Proceedings of the XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, CIbSE 2015, Lima, Peru, Apr 22-24, 2015., 2015, pp. 521. 

Diego Firmenich, Sergio Firmenich, Gustavo Rossi, Marco Winckler and Damiano Distante, "User Interface Adaptation Using Web Augmentation Techniques: Towards a Negotiated Approach", in Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era - 15th International Conference, ICWE 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 23-26, 2015, Proceedings, 2015, pp. 147--164. 10.1007/978-3-319-19890-3\_11 . 

Andrés Rodriguez, Pascual González López and Gustavo Rossi, "Sketching for designing enactive interactions", in Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Interacción '14, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, September 10-12, 2014, 2014, pp. 39:1--39:2. 10.1145/2662253.2662292 . 

Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite and Alejandro Oliveros, "Language Extended Lexicon points: Estimating the size of an application using its language", in IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden, August 25-29, 2014, 2014, pp. 263--272. 10.1109/RE.2014.6912268 . 

"Web Design" Designing for Usability, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Human-Computer Interaction: Andres Rodriguez, Julian Grigera, Juan Cruz Gardey, Alejandra Garrido, Gustavo Rossi (pp 263-304 - 2024). Stephanidis, C., & Salvendy, G. CRC Press

Juan Cruz Gardey, Julián Grigera, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandra Garrido, "UX-Painter: Fostering UX Improvement in~an~Agile Setting", in Agile Methods, vol. 1642, Rocha, C., Santana Júnior, C., De Sá, F., Silva da Silva, T. (eds), ed(s). Springer International Publishing, 2023, pp. 54--65. 10.1007/978-3-031-25648-6_4 .  

Julián Grigera, Juan Cruz Gardey, Gustavo Rossi and Alejandra Garrido, "Flexible Detection of Similar DOM Elements", in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 469, Marchiori, M., Domínguez Mayo, F.J., Filipe, J. (eds), ed(s). Springer International Publishing, 2023, pp. 174--195. 10.1007/978-3-031-24197-0_10 .  

Ronny Santana, Gustavo Rossi, Yves Rybarczyk, Gonzalo Gabriel Méndez, Francisco Vera, Andrés Rodríguez and Patricio Mendoza, "Studying the User Experience of an Educational AR-Based App for Smart Glasses", in Information Systems and Technologies Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 266--275. 10.1007/978-3-031-04826-5_26 .  

Ronny Santana, Gustavo Rossi, Gonzalo Gabriel Méndez, Yves Rybarczyk, Francisco Vera and Andrés Rodríguez, "Investigating STEM Students' First-Time Experience with Smart Glasses", in Information Systems and Technologies Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 255--265. 10.1007/978-3-031-04826-5_25 .  

Sergio Firmenich, Alejandra Garrido, Fabio Paternò and Gustavo Rossi, "User Interface Adaptation for Accessibility", in Web Accessibility - A Foundation for Research, Second Edition, 2019, pp. 547--568. 10.1007/978-1-4471-7440-0\_29 . 


UX-Driven Development: Monitorización continua de la experiencia del usuario durante el desarrollo y mantenimiento ágil de aplicaciones interactivas. Financiado por PICT (Temas abiertos, Equipos de trabajo). Dirigido por Alejandra Garrido. Duración: 1/7/2021-28/5/2025

Extensibilidad de navegadores Web basada en P2P: apropiación, producción y consumo de servicios y contenidos por parte de usuarios finales en el marco de la aumentación Web. Financiado por PICT - FONCYT. Dirigido por Sergio Firmenich. Duración: 1/3/2022-28/2/2025

Técnicas y herramientas de ingeniería de software para el desarrollo ágil de soluciones colaborativas basadas en crowdsourcing y colaboración, modelos e inteligencia artificial.. Financiado por UNLP. Dirigido por Matías Urbieta. CoDirigido por Leandro Antonelli. Duración: 1/1/2023-31/12/2024

Técnicas y herramientas para ingeniería de software web adaptable y ágil basada en modelos con soporte semántico y de crowdsourcing. Financiado por Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Acreditado en el Programa de Inventivos). Dirigido por Antonelli, Ruben Leandro. CoDirigido por Urbieta, Mario Matias. Duración: 1/1/2020-31/12/2022

Mejora continua de Experiencia de Usuario en aplicaciones Web. Financiado por Facultad de Informática, UNLP. Dirigido por Julian Grigera. CoDirigido por Andrés Rodriguez, Alejandra Garrido. Duración: 1/1/2021-31/12/2021

LA @ US: Analysis, prediction and monitoring of dropout in Unitelma Sapienza online degrees. Financiado por Unitelma Sapienza. Dirigido por Damiano Distante. Duración: 17/2/2020-31/12/2021

Las extensiones web P2P y su potencial para perforar la burbuja de filtrado. Financiado por Facultad de Informática, UNLP. Dirigido por Alejandro Fernández. CoDirigido por Sergio Firmenich y Diego Torres. Duración: 1/3/2020-28/2/2021

Evaluación y reparación comunitaria de problemas de usabilidad y accesibilidad en aplicaciones web desktop y móviles. Financiado por FONCYT, ANPCyT . Dirigido por Alejandra Garrido. Duración: 1/1/2017-30/6/2020

Extraction of structured and complex facts from large and heterogeneous text sources. Financiado por Unitelma Sapienza. Dirigido por Damiano Distante. Duración: 1/6/2018-31/5/2020

Ingeniería ágil y conducida por modelos, de software adaptable para la web del conocimiento . Financiado por UNLP (programa de incentivos). Dirigido por Alejandro Fernandez. CoDirigido por Alejandra Garrido. Duración: 1/1/2016-31/12/2017

Developing Learning Analytics and Visualization Tools @ Unitelma and TUT. Financiado por Unitelma Sapienza. Dirigido por Damiano Distante. Duración: 1/2/2014-31/1/2015

Dirección de becas y pasantías

Francisco Gindre (Doctoral). Arquitectura de billeteras electrónicas de código abierto para criptomonedas con privacidad en clientes livianos. Financiado por CONICET. Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi. Co-Dirigido por Matías Urbieta. Duración: 1/4/2021-31/3/2026

Dirección de tesis y trabajos finales de carrera

Martin Cesar Urbieta (Doctorado). Generación de modelo BIM implementando algoritmos de inteligencia artificial. Doctorando en Ciencias Informáticas. Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi. Co-Dirigido por Matias Urbieta. Duración: 1/4/2021 - en curso

Francisco Gindre (Doctorado). Arquitectura de billeteras electrónicas de código abierto para criptomonedas con privacidad en clientes livianos. Doctorado en Ciencias Informáticas . Dirigido por Matías Urbieta. Co-Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi. Duración: 1/4/2021 - en curso

Gonzalo Ripa (Doctorado). Generating Conversational Interfaces from Web sites. Doctorado en Ciencias Informáticas, UNLP. Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi, Sergio Firmenich. Duración: 1/4/2021 - en curso

Juan Cruz Gardey (Doctorado). Métodos y herramientas de desarrollo y evaluación de refactorings para la mejora de la experiencia de usuario en aplicaciones web. Doctorado en Ciencias Informáticas. Fac de Informática, UNLP. Dirigido por Alejandra Garrido. Co-Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi - Julián Grigera. Duración: 1/1/2018 - 28/6/2023

Julián Castro Olivera (Master). Gestión de notificaciones en dispositivos móviles de chicos/as en edad escolar. Magister en Ingeniería de Software. Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi. Co-Dirigido por Andrés Rodríguez. Duración: 2/6/2021 - 2/6/2021

Rodolfo Gonzalez (Tesina de grado). Colaboración P2P para ambientes de desarrollo de usuario final basados en navegadores web. Licenciatura en Informática. Dirigido por Sergio Firmenich. Co-Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi. Duración: 1/9/2019 - 15/5/2020

Julián Grigera (Doctorado). “Self-Refactoring: mejoras automáticas de usabilidad para aplicaciones web”. Doctorado en Ciencias Informáticas. Fac. de Informática UNLP. Dirigido por Alejandra Garrido. Co-Dirigido por Gustavo Rossi. Duración: 3/3/2018 - 3/3/2018